Blueprint for Reform: Admissions Standards

Blueprint for Reform: Admissions Standards provides a roadmap for state legislators and university trustees to improve university admissions standards. It emphasizes the necessity of upholding rigorous standards in higher education admissions to ensure student success and maintain institutional integrity.

Key Recommendations:

  • Establish Clear Admissions Criteria: Implement consistent minimum requirements, including standardized test scores and high school GPA, to ensure all students meet college readiness benchmarks.
  • Adhere to College Readiness Benchmarks: Require applicants to meet established SAT or ACT benchmarks, indicating a 75% likelihood of earning at least a ‘C’ in credit-bearing courses.
  • Set Minimum GPA Requirements: Mandate a minimum high school GPA of 3.0 for applicants, as data shows students below this threshold have less than a 50% chance of graduating within six years.
  • Eliminate Admission Waivers: Discontinue the practice of granting waivers for students, including athletes, who do not meet minimum standards, to uphold fairness and academic integrity.
  • Discontinue Remedial Courses: Cease offering non-credit remedial courses, encouraging students to attain necessary preparation before college admission.
  • End Preferential Admissions Practices: Eliminate preferences based on race, class, gender, ethnicity, geography, or legacy status to promote equality and merit-based admissions.

These recommendations aim to enhance student preparedness, promote equitable admissions practices, and uphold the academic standards essential for higher education institutions.
