Global Warming Teach-In
Global warming is not a crisis, but it may be creating a crisis of intellectual integrity.
Global warming is not a crisis, but it may be creating a crisis of intellectual integrity.
UNC’s low-tuition policy has some unexpected downsides.
The Pope Center took five major steps to improve higher education.
The Robertson v. Princeton settlement shows that universities will pursue their self-interest, just like anyone else.
In a new book, Alex Beam critiques the 1940s promotion of Great Books but ends up admiring the works themselves.
Conservative politics aren’t required to win the Pope Center’s new teaching award—the ability to foster intellectual inquiry is.
Speaking in Charlotte, Notre Dame scholar Ralph McInerny discusses the classics and what went wrong.
Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) says that UNC-CH is infringing on the rights of students and faculty to express themselves.
Will UNC-Charlotte’s recent decision to add a football team give a boost to the school’s reputation or prove to be a boondoggle?
There is something to be said for Chancellor Dubois’ capitulation to the boosters.