“A Hard, Gemlike Flame”

…of Austin is our Mission, to “prepare thoughtful and ethical innovators, builders, leaders, public servants and citizens through open inquiry and civil discourse.” And when it comes to the core…

The Strange Attack on Blind Reviewing

…merit and merit alone is the guide. However, in an article for Inside Higher Ed, one academic argues for open reviews. This author, Kim Manturuk, had brought together a conference…

The Campaign to Stamp Out Academic Heresy

…have moved to silence discussion of topics that “progressives” didn’t like (e.g., Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings) should give us cause for concern. Will the internet remain a bastion of free

Only Candidates of Color Need Apply?

…preferences in public employment and public education have been banned since 1998 via the citizen-approved Initiative 1000, has furnished the public with the latest example of ideology overtaking merit and…

Deleterious Neglect

…computer or the transistor radio. Instead, they fade away. Today, distance learning appears to be a disruptive technology that threatens higher education. Christensen’s latest book, The Innovative University, written with…