Removing U.S. Campuses from Qatar

for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy released a hit piece about the relationship between A&M and Qatar. The Qatar Foundation, it showed, supplied more than a billion dollars…

Why College Graduates Still Can’t Think

More than six years have passed since Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa rocked the academic world with their landmark book, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. Their study of…

Dear Humanists: You Have Done That Yourself

…modern humanities—declining enrollment, loss of funding, fewer tenure-track jobs, decreased public appreciation—have been caused primarily by the people who study and teach them, the humanists. Regardless of where they try…

“2 out of 3 — .00 B.A.C.”

…biochemist to study the mating habits of houseflies; $228,000 (also to UN) to study the regulation of pheromone production in a species of pine bark beetles; $260,000 to Cornell University…