Show Us the Money

…constitutional mandate to provide a free higher education.” There is, Crossen noted, a constitutional provision for a free public education. Nonetheless, having the enrollment growth funding added to the continuation…

Show Us the Money

…constitutional mandate to provide a free higher education.” There is, Crossen noted, a constitutional provision for a free public education. Nonetheless, having the enrollment growth funding added to the continuation…

Divestment Isn’t Neutral

The UNC chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) doesn’t have a great track record on free speech and civil discourse. Its members have occupied university administrative buildings, attempted…

VCU’s New Protest Policy Makes Sense

free expression rights of others” violates North Carolina’s Campus Free Speech Act. Challenging protesters at the first event may have prevented repeat offenses at the second. North Carolina universities should…

How Political Are Our Professors?

…is free of professorial abuse and proselytizing, but that it’s so rare as to be a minimal concern. In my view, however, they have been too credulous in taking that…