Professors and Unions – Do the Two Mix?

…why the case is troubling. First, why should the freedom for professors to seek union representation turn on the subjective determination of how “managerial” they are? In a free society,…

My Introduction to Higher Education

…amazement, nearly every even remotely conservative statement I had made in my papers was covered in red. My ideas about free markets, deregulation, and individualism had all been crossed out,…

Just Say No to Radical Intimidation

…therefore not protected under free speech statutes. Furthermore, they claimed that their shouting and noise-making while Tancredo tried to lecture does qualify as protected speech. When Riley Matheson, the founder…

Why Is the AAUP Investigating UNC?

…anything new. Thus, the investigation will go far beyond the Hannah-Jones incident. According to AAUP’s press release, the report will also cover “the influence of the gerrymandered state legislature on…

A New Cell Phone Dilemma

free speech and communication issues, the cell phone recording controversy has a lot of “gray area” and colleges are struggling to find the best way to respond. Some schools have…