The High Cost of Cultural Amnesia

…taught.’” Thorne also allowed that: The larger narrative that we favor is of the development of free society from late Roman times to the present. The concept of free citizens…

No Conservatives Need Apply

the internal enrollment report, the decreased freshmen enrollment alone will cost the university approximately $700,000. In addition, it is likely that some donors will withhold their contributions. As the funds…


…in North Carolina and beyond. (You can read more about our mission and vision here.) To get there, Martin Center writers and scholars study and report on critical issues in…

Diary of a Mad Emerita

…“Hey, hey, ho, ho. Western culture’s got to go!” By 1990, insiders who dared challenge the ruling class could wreck whole careers—but were free to tell outsiders about scholars who…

Colleges’ “Group Purity” Crisis

…their desire for group purity conflicts with the ideal upon which their universities were founded: the free exploration of truth. Group purity and the free exploration of truth are incompatible;…

Is College a Cult?

…various trends that inhibit free speech and constructive disagreement believe that graduation and experience in “the real world” will provide the most effective exit counseling. Others note that students are…