Teaching College Students to Write

Today’s college freshmen can be trained to write well—and in one semester. I will describe one way it can be done. Let’s start with an example from “Tom,” written in…

How Much Do They Really Teach?

…both legislated expectations and our study—conducted with as strict adherence to the Delaware Study methods as possible—and the data sent to the Delaware Study by the only school we could…

A Letter to a Young Scholar

…that corrosion. At least Bruce’s closely argued book will give you a floor plan of the funhouse. To teach in community college, after your B.A., you will need an M.A.;…

Orwellian Doublespeak Backfires at MSU

…that individuals can be punished for speech that is considered “discrimination.” Speech is free or it is not. Enquiry is open or it is closed. At many universities, such policies…