One Cheer for Free Speech on Campus

…As I see it, free speech and free trade are similar. If the government leaves people free to trade, then you have free trade; once it begins making exceptions, you…

Ignoring Facts Is Not a Strategy

…they falsely think any degree will improve their job prospects—and not enough people entering some non-degree technical programs even though doing so will almost assuredly open up well-paid opportunities. Furthermore,…

Braking a Runaway Train

…It will decrease further by a provision that limits need-based aid to only 9 semesters (one extra semester beyond four years) for each student. That will save $301,446 in 2012…

James Moeser’s very bad idea

…color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, or sexual orientation.” Thus, “Baptist student groups are open to Presbyterian students; Jewish student groups are open to Christian students; the Italian Club is…