Do the Math…or Not

…admission standards are anxious to make it easier for underprepared students to satisfy entry-level mathematics requirements. Since the lower standards will open the door to an influx of underprepared students,…

UNC Can Run More Efficiently

…to tell what kind of a leader UNC president Erskine Bowles will be. A test will come in May when the General Assembly reconvenes and begins to examine adjustments to…

Explaining the High Cost of College

…explosion is found in a November, 2017 study prepared for the Joint Economic Committee of Congress. It states, “A student working full-time over the summer of 1971 would only need…

What’s UNC Teaching These Days?

…day of class often reveals that the course’s purported subject of study is actually its subject of relentless assault. For example, when I enrolled in an introductory philosophy course at…