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Checking In On Tuition Freezes

About a decade ago, public universities around the country began freezing tuition in response to student and parent complaints about the high costs of a college education. In the years…

Florida’s Much-Needed General-Education Reform

Florida administrators are revising general education in universities and colleges. Perverse incentives have diluted and politicized general-education courses at the expense of foundational knowledge. Since universities will not fix themselves,…

Defending the Reconquista at New College

The decision by Florida governor Ron DeSantis in 2023 to oust the radicals controlling the state’s tiny liberal-arts college, New College of Florida, has elicited frenzied reactions from the global…

Let Florida Try

Fueled by political ambition and a distaste for the new left-wing ideological agendas that have taken root on many college campuses, activists and politicians have sought to alter the landscape…

Against Voter-Friendly Campuses

“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,” Virgil’s Aeneid warns. To that I add: Beware of college administrators bearing plans to “enhance American democracy.” Too often, what appears to be a simple…