Five reforms the UNC board should implement this school year
Five reforms the UNC board should implement this school year
Five reforms the UNC board should implement this school year
Could UNC professors teach more?
Not all academics are leftists, as a recent classical liberal gathering proves
North Carolina’s latest higher education budget has some good features, but could be better.
Our higher education system fails leftist students.
Should colleges keep students from taking federal loans?
Post-tenure review: a rubber stamp, a way to enhance accountability, or none of the above?
This paper by Jay Schalin, the Pope Center’s director of policy analysis, explores the teaching loads of faculty in the University of North Carolina system. It finds that the university overstates the actual teaching duties of professors and recommends that the UNC Board of Governors conduct a comprehensive study of faculty workloads.
Embarrassed by the scandals, UNC-Chapel Hill students still love their school.
I take a look at three reform-minded athletics reports and find a few (very few) good ideas.