General Assembly Considers Bills Affecting UNC System

CHAPEL HILL – Proposed legislation affecting the University of North Carolina system captured headlines throughout the 2004 short session. Most centered on the $340 million bond package that included some projects that had not even been approved by the UNC Board of Governors. There were other bills, however, concerning higher education that either passed or were dropped in anticipation for greater discussion next year.

Arrest Warrants Dim College Hopes, Dreams

While his peers hang out in public places laughing and joking and preparing for their college careers, Rageman holes up at friends’ houses peering nervously out of basement windows. He doesn’t have time to think about college. He fears he’s more likely to be thrown in the poke. “I worked hard in school,” Rageman said. “So what if I knocked over a few convenience stores graduation night?”

Is America’s College Graduation Rate a “Huge National Problem?”

A recent report published by The Education Trust entitled “A Matter of Degrees: Improving Graduation Rates in Four-Year Colleges and Universities” argues that we ought to be deeply concerned over the fact that only about 60 percent of the students who enroll in four-year institutions in the U.S. earn a bachelor’s degree within six years.

‘Price creep’ on chancellor pay extends from California to Carolina

This spring Chancellor Marye Anne Fox surprised folks at North Carolina State University and the UNC system when she announced that she had accepted the chancellorship at the University of California at San Diego. It didn’t take long, however, for people at UNC to find an old foe to blame for Fox’s departure: low pay.

Legislators review proposed education budget

RALEIGH – Criticism of proposed cuts in community college funding was among the topics addressed by legislators during a meeting Wednesday on adjustments to the state’s education spending plans.

Legislators also addressed concerns regarding a proposed $27 million cut to the University of North Carolina system budget. The UNC system did receiving funding increases in the proposed budget, including $64 million due to increased enrollment.

Budget adjustment proposal released

Higher education spending in North Carolina would increase by nearly $112 million, according to budget figures presented during a Joint Appropriations Committee meeting May 11 at the Legislative Office Building.