Higher-Ed Reform’s Coming of Age
On this we all agree: Higher education is in crisis. Rolling protests, rising tuition, and growing distrust have compelled elected officials to speak seriously about reforming our nation’s postsecondary education…
On this we all agree: Higher education is in crisis. Rolling protests, rising tuition, and growing distrust have compelled elected officials to speak seriously about reforming our nation’s postsecondary education…
The economics major is in dire straits. Across the nation, econ curricula aren’t instilling an appreciation for, or even a familiarity with, the economic way of thinking. Theory classes limit…
When most decisions regarding the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services are made by private individuals or businesses operating in a market environment, society tends to be prosperous,…
The kerfuffle over the relative merit of forcing “viewpoint neutrality” in history classrooms puzzles me. No wonder: Although an historian by Ph.D., I have taught mostly economics for almost three…
The New York Times is on a tear about “economic diversity.” It’s got a naughty-and-nice list, defined by the number of students with Pell Grants, and it’s stapled a scarlet…
Recently, I argued in a Martin Center article that the fourth year of study for the bachelor’s degree is probably relatively unproductive and that enormous resources could be saved by…
Early in the introductory college economics course, instructors talk about the Law of Diminishing Returns. An illustration: A farmer has a 100-acre field on which he wants to harvest wheat.…
To the editor: I admire the fact that Professor Ross is not willing to “dumb down” his class in order to make it more popular. Colin Barnett Albuquerque, NM
In June 2014, I wrote a piece entitled “Reform Intro Economics” for Inside Higher Ed. There, I argued that then-current introductory economics courses were little changed from those of decades…
UNC-Chapel Hill offers a wide variety of major and minor programs to its undergraduates, and each student’s résumé carries the authority of the first public university in the United States.…