The End of the DEI Era
The University of Michigan’s recent about-face on DEI is both encouraging and instructive. Yes, even high-profile institutions with long records of supporting racial favoritism and radical ideological movements can show…

The Politics of Higher-Education Accreditation
Accreditors often claim to be neutral arbiters who merely measure whether accredited universities meet their own standards. Yet a not-so-deep dive into actual accreditation standards reveals a stacked deck, whereby…

Why Are Our Campuses Seething with Antisemitism?
The scale of support on college campuses for militant antisemitism and even for Hamas barbarism has alarmed most Americans, but there’s something else here that ought to trouble us, too:…

MLA’s Alternate Reality
Proposition: Human flourishing will not be advanced at the upcoming meeting of the Modern Language Association, which begins next Thursday in New Orleans. Evidence: The conference program includes among its…

Censorship at Georgetown
Earlier this year, a graduate student in history at Georgetown named Vishnu Raghavan came upon the 2021 book Kwame Nkrumah: Visions of Liberation by Smith College history chair Jeffrey Ahlman.…

North Carolina Governor’s School Is Miseducating Elite Students
The North Carolina Governor’s School (GS) was established in 1963. The program was the first of its kind in the nation: a residential summer program for the state’s most academically…

Educators: Beware the Certainty Trap
Despite what headlines often suggest, when it comes to tackling controversial issues on college campuses, the biggest challenge isn’t constraints on academic freedom. It’s not restrictions placed on free speech,…

Against Post-Election Infantilizing
After the 2016 election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, many faculty at universities canceled classes, either due to believing that they had to take time to…

A New College “Racism” Study Really May Be Peak Woke
Do black faculty members face discrimination in promotion and tenure? One might think this a simple question with an objective answer. The answer could be, “Yes. Black faculty members face…

Pro-Hamas Foolishness Hurt Colleges
Since the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel last year, pro-Hamas protests have become a hot-button issue on campuses across the nation. Few Americans managed to avoid the national coverage…