Posts tagged with

“Middle East”

The Fayetteville Fahd Fiasco

I’m a law professor and also a columnist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Late last year, I began a series on the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville’s King Fahd Center for…

A Devil’s Bargain on Campus

Many Americans were surprised by the seemingly spontaneous protests on college campuses in support of “Palestine” after the Hamas assault on Israel. After all, how could anyone do anything other…

Universities in Islamic nations make the same mistakes we do—but worse

Universities are great inventions, and they have a role everywhere, in areas rich and poor, Christian, Islamic, and even atheist. But the Law of Diminishing Returns applies: universities in small doses can disseminate and advance knowledge in welfare-inducing ways, but if expanded too fast, they produce dismal results at the margin. In the Middle East/North African region, this problem is aggravated by over-centralization.