Beating the Kafka trap at GWU
To the editor: Which is chicken and which the egg? IF we take as a given — as the law firm hired by GWU evidently does — that the BDS Movement sweeping through college campuses nationwide…
Defaulting on the NC Teaching Fellows scholarship has drastic consequences
To the editor: My name is Kendra Wiggins and I am a former NC Teaching fellow recipient. I really appreciate this article highlighting some of the pitfalls of the program.…
Professors don’t use the classroom for political conversion
I believe that Professor Vedder (“American Colleges Are Committing Suicide“) is right on the mark in his critique except for one thing: his insinuation that instructors/professors use the classroom as…
A leftist professor agrees: “Since when is debt ‘financial aid?'”
To the editor: I am one of the “left wing ideologues” Professors who Prof Vedder blames for the self destruction of American Higher Eduction. And guess what? I agree with…
Admissions standards at M.I.T
To the editor: M.I.T. requires all freshmen, regardless of their intended major, to take 2 semesters of calculus, 2 semesters of physics (and if you don’t pass the calculus, you…
The politicization of history
To the editor: You are very good at spreading your ideas, but not very good at soliciting responses. Politicizing science is terrible, but what about my war against politicizing history?…
Against “The Case Against Admissions Selectivity”
Oh, the games we play, the webs we weave, to try to back-door justify through a series of buzz-word gymnastics ‘Admissions Selectivity’. Of course we all already know — 100%…
Why do we need law schools?
To the editor: In the article ‘A Better Way to Teach Law’, Mr. Andersson makes a good case for the value of getting people into the workforce sooner, I also…
Lowery “outplayed” by UT-Austin administrators
To the editor: Lots of talk, then… Richard Lowery is an associate professor of finance at the University of Texas at Austin. He is an applied game theorist and studies…
Who should own our universities?
Richard Vedder is right in “Who Should Own the University of North Carolina” to suggest that states like North Carolina ought to subsidize students instead of state-owned universities. The model has…