Author Profile

Bryan O’Keefe

Bryan O’Keefe was associate director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity until the summer of 2008. Previously, he was a researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, studying domestic politics, public opinion polling, and labor issues. His writing on labor issues have been widely published. O'Keefe, who graduated from George Washington University, is currently attending law school.

Articles by Bryan O’Keefe

Griggs v. Duke Power

This paper by Bryan O’Keefe and Richard Vedder raises a provocative question. Does the increase in college enrollment over the past 30 years partly reflect the changing pressures on employers based on a 1971 Supreme Court decision? And if so, could these pressures also explain the much-touted increase in earnings that comes from a college education?

O’Keefe and Vedder explore the impact of the Griggs v. Duke Power decision on today’s college enrollment. In Griggs, the plaintiffs argued that Duke Power’s reliance on two aptitude tests discriminated against minority groups. Subsequent cases and statutory law have changed the environment for employer testing. This may have changed the pressure to attend college.

The paper is jointly published by the Pope Center for Higher Education Policy and the Center for College Affordability and Productivity.