Assessing Trump’s Higher-Ed Orders
These are bad times to be a recalcitrant Trump-hating college administrator. In his first nine-and-a-half days in office, the 47th president has signed numerous executive orders with the potential to…
These are bad times to be a recalcitrant Trump-hating college administrator. In his first nine-and-a-half days in office, the 47th president has signed numerous executive orders with the potential to…
Proposition: Human flourishing will not be advanced at the upcoming meeting of the Modern Language Association, which begins next Thursday in New Orleans. Evidence: The conference program includes among its…
Ah, October, when temperatures fall, men rake leaves, and universities publish their annual crime data, as required by the 1990 Clery Act. A surprising addition to the calendar, you say?…
Things should be what they are, in higher education as elsewhere. Colleges advertising a liberal-arts curriculum should immerse their students in literature, history, and philosophy. STEM giants such as Georgia…
Earlier this year, the Martin Center’s Ashlynn Warta wrote convincingly that faculty opposition to academic cuts at UNC Greensboro was best understood as an act of self-preservation. We stand by…
Are the men and women who staff America’s colleges rugged individualists determined to swat away the overweening hand of the state? Or are they simply greedy? An ongoing dispute over…
Last fall, having drunk deeply of the Left’s cocktail of antisemitism, post-colonialism, and general nuisance-making, a small but virulent minority of American college students began “protesting” for “Palestine.” Inaugurated mere…
Leigh made a 34 on the ACT. Bill made a 23. Which of the two do you want attending your academically selective college? According to a traditional or merit-based admissions…
Dartmouth College announced last month that it is reinstating its mandatory-testing policy after four years of optional score submission for applicants. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, dean of admissions…
“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,” Virgil’s Aeneid warns. To that I add: Beware of college administrators bearing plans to “enhance American democracy.” Too often, what appears to be a simple…