Author Profile

Glynn Custred

Glynn Custred is professor emeritus of anthropology at California State University East Bay (in the San Francisco Bay Area) where he taught general anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and folklore. He has also taught at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Southern California, and at the Instituto Nacional de AntropologĂ­a in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has done ethnographic field work in the southern highlands of Peru, has studied German ethnic communities in Transylvania and the United States, and is involved in borderland studies. His latest book is A History of Anthropology as a Holistic Science (in press).

Articles by Glynn Custred

Turning Anthropology from Science into Political Activism

It is very revealing that in 2010, the executive committee of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), the discipline’s major professional organization, dropped the word “science” from its mission statement, and elsewhere. Since then the organization has focused on trendy issues such as the environment, violence, climate change, race, etc. The AAA now wants “to help solve problems” rather than to understand and explain reality.