Author Profile

Jacob Bruggeman

Jacob Bruggeman is a Ph.D. candidate in history at Johns Hopkins University, where he is the inaugural graduate fellow of the Center for Economy and Society and an associate fellow at the Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise. He is associate editor of FUSION and editor-at-large at the Cleveland Review of Books. He is a graduate of Miami University and the University of Cambridge, Darwin College.

Articles by Jacob Bruggeman

Could the AI Evangelists Be Right?

Asked about chatbots in 2022, a colleague or professor may have replied, “Huh?” In 2024, however, AI-assisted chatbots are seemingly everywhere: embedded in social-media feeds, integrated into workflows, and visibly…

Hacking the Humanities

We are living through a period described by technologists as an “AI Boom” or “AI Spring.” A swift and impressive gain of function in generative artificial-intelligence systems (AI), made possible…