The Ugly Truth Behind a College’s “Diversity” Requirement
Hamilton College has for years had an open curriculum, allowing students the freedom to shape their education as they think best. Whether that’s a good idea is debatable, but the…
Hamilton College has for years had an open curriculum, allowing students the freedom to shape their education as they think best. Whether that’s a good idea is debatable, but the…
Such assignments do not prepare students for the world of work and adult responsibilities, where their emotions do not factor in performance reviews, where they are expected to communicate in a clear and logical manner, and where they will have to know certain facts in order to build a bridge, argue a legal case, treat a heart attack victim, or teach children to read. Nor do such assignments prepare them to participate as free and literate citizens in a constitutional republic.
In his State of the Union address, President Obama pitched his plan for making two years of community college as “free and universal in America as high school is today.” He thinks it would be a great thing. But at the community college where I taught English from 2007 to 2010, Georgia Perimeter College, the joke was that it was already an extension of high school.
Common Core is coming to your college (yes, college)
Colleges and universities are embracing “food studies” primarily as another way of pushing leftist beliefs.
The discipline of English is already in trouble, but there is more to come.
Our education system seems to do more to create unrealistic beliefs than to impart knowledge and skills to students.
An Atlanta conference for teachers reveals that educators these days want to lead children to particular views of social justice rather than educate them.
The “Anything But Knowledge” philosophy of education schools reveals itself in comments on test tampering.
A professor without tenure discovers that even the teaching of basic English is driven by political correctness.