Author Profile

Mary Grabar

Mary Grabar earned her Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia in 2002. She is currently a resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute in Clinton, New York. After teaching at several colleges in Georgia, she taught English at Emory University from 2007-2013 through the Program in American Democracy and Citizenship. She is the editor of, a blog dedicated to educational reform. She is researching and writing a book on George Schuyler (1895-1977), a noted African-American journalist. Grabar is a frequent contributor to print and online publications and has published fiction and poetry as well.

Articles by Mary Grabar

Emote, Protest, Get Naked for Your Professor, and Get Credit

Such assignments do not prepare students for the world of work and adult responsibilities, where their emotions do not factor in performance reviews, where they are expected to communicate in a clear and logical manner, and where they will have to know certain facts in order to build a bridge, argue a legal case, treat a heart attack victim, or teach children to read. Nor do such assignments prepare them to participate as free and literate citizens in a constitutional republic.

“Free” community college will make a bad situation worse

In his State of the Union address, President Obama pitched his plan for making two years of community college as “free and universal in America as high school is today.” He thinks it would be a great thing. But at the community college where I taught English from 2007 to 2010, Georgia Perimeter College, the joke was that it was already an extension of high school.