Author Profile

Stanley K. Ridgley

Stanley K. Ridgley, Ph.D., is Clinical Full Professor of Management at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business. He holds a Ph.D. from Duke University and an International M.B.A. from Temple University and has studied at Moscow State University and the Institut de Gestion Sociale in Paris. He is a former military intelligence officer who served in West Berlin and near the Czech-German border, where he received the George S. Patton Award for Leadership from the 7th Army NCO Academy. In addition to his teaching, Dr. Ridgley lectures widely in the United States and internationally. He is Drexel’s faculty sponsor for Turning Point USA, serves on Drexel’s Faculty Senate, and is a member of Drexel University’s Institutional Review Board. He is a frequent contributor to national media, including The Epoch Times, Academic Questions, and American Greatness and is the highly-praised faculty instructor for the course “Strategic Thinking” in the DVD series

Articles by Stanley K. Ridgley

Where Is Maximus?

If nothing else, the barbarous attacks on Israel by the terror group Hamas exposed the morally vacuous viscera of much of American higher education. By now, we have all we…

“White Logic” and “Jew Physics”

When we think of “Newspeak,” the fictional language invented by George Orwell for his dystopian novel 1984, we typically think of powerful authoritarian governments manipulating language for the advancement of…

What Am I Bid for This Fine EdD?

The contretemps, two and a half years ago, over First Lady Jill Biden’s problematic degree and her too-earnest desire to be addressed as “Doctor” opened discussion about a problem in…