Posts tagged with

“academic freedom”

Florida’s Much-Needed General-Education Reform

Florida administrators are revising general education in universities and colleges. Perverse incentives have diluted and politicized general-education courses at the expense of foundational knowledge. Since universities will not fix themselves,…

Educators: Beware the Certainty Trap

Despite what headlines often suggest, when it comes to tackling controversial issues on college campuses, the biggest challenge isn’t constraints on academic freedom. It’s not restrictions placed on free speech,…

From Retaliation to Reform

You have undoubtedly heard about cases where intolerant administrators target professors who fail one of the ideological litmus tests that increasingly characterize higher education. Such instances have become commonplace, perhaps…

No Resting On Our Anti-DEI Laurels

To recite again the arguments against “diversity, equity, and inclusion” borders on condescending. The nation watched late last year as three university presidents refused to condemn quasi-genocidal chants on their…