Posts tagged with


What Am I Bid for This Fine EdD?

The contretemps, two and a half years ago, over First Lady Jill Biden’s problematic degree and her too-earnest desire to be addressed as “Doctor” opened discussion about a problem in…

The Promise of Apprenticeships

College is a serious commitment that costs many thousands of dollars and several years of one’s life, all for the sake of receiving a degree intended to make a high-paying,…

Colleges: Go Back to Basics

Colleges perform two vital functions: They disseminate to the people (especially their own students) the knowledge and wisdom acquired through time in ways that enhance the common good, and they also…

The New Masters of the Atelier

Here is a good reason to be cheerful about art instruction in America. A new master’s degree program trains art teachers to instruct using the traditional techniques of 19th-century “atelier”…

America Needs Better Teachers

It’s a sad fact that many of our teachers are weak. They’re weak on knowledge of their subjects and weak on teaching technique. Unfortunately, we know little about effective professional-development…