Assessing Trump’s Higher-Ed Orders
These are bad times to be a recalcitrant Trump-hating college administrator. In his first nine-and-a-half days in office, the 47th president has signed numerous executive orders with the potential to…
These are bad times to be a recalcitrant Trump-hating college administrator. In his first nine-and-a-half days in office, the 47th president has signed numerous executive orders with the potential to…
Most industries and occupations have trade associations to promote their interests through lobbying, marketing, and public relations. Lawyers are no exception. One difference between, say, the American Urological Association and…
Leigh made a 34 on the ACT. Bill made a 23. Which of the two do you want attending your academically selective college? According to a traditional or merit-based admissions…
In 2015, a headline on the satirical news website The Onion read, “College Encourages Lively Exchange of Idea.” The subhead? “Students, Faculty Invited to Freely Express Single Viewpoint.” A few…
A story in Inside Higher Ed last week revealed that two more Ivy League schools, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, have stopped publishing “dean’s lists” that recognize high levels…
Among the many destructive ideas that “progressive” thinking has unleashed on education in America is that it’s unfair to hold students from “underrepresented groups” to the same standards as others.…
Five finalists are selected by a hiring committee for a tenure-track faculty position at a reputable regional university. The candidates are ranked based on skills and competencies. The top applicant…
The Supreme Court’s decision in SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. University of North Carolina was a victory for advocates of fair and race-neutral college admissions. With the decision, colleges…
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to forbid racial admissions preferences in SFFA v. Harvard and UNC, collegiate diversity proponents have taken aim at other preference regimes thought…
The University of Virginia is facing a choice of historic significance: namely, whether to embrace admissions policies based on our colorblind Constitution or to engage in mass resistance to the…