Author Profile

Rob Jenkins

Rob Jenkins is a 32-year veteran of higher education, a regular contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education and other publications, and the author of four books, including The 9 Virtues of Exceptional Leaders: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential (with Karl Haden) and Welcome to My Classroom. He currently serves as associate professor of English at Georgia State University Perimeter College and as a Senior Fellow at the Academy for Academic Leadership. The views expressed here are his own and not necessarily those of his employers.

Articles by Rob Jenkins

Georgia Unplugs the Bias Machine

People often ask me how, as an outspoken conservative professor at a large state university, I can get away with some of the things I say on social media and…

The Debt-Free Four-Year Degree

A recent Gallup survey found that confidence in America’s colleges and universities has plummeted in the past decade, with only 36 percent of today’s adults expressing “a great deal” or “quite…

ChatGPT Can Get Off My Lawn

Will artificial intelligence become the greatest boon to higher education since online learning? (This assumes that online learning was a boon, which is a topic for another day.) Or will…

Biden vs. Religious Freedom on Campus

Despite a couple of recent, high-profile legal victories for religious freedom, the Biden administration is not abandoning its attacks on faith-based organizations—including religious colleges and universities, as well as religious…

Dear Humanists: You Have Done That Yourself

Every time I read an op-ed piece from some English professor (and isn’t it always an English professor?) whining about the demise of the humanities, in The Chronicle of Higher Education or elsewhere,…

The Case for Reopening College Campuses 

Higher education media has gone “all in” for keeping college campuses closed this fall, with articles like “The Case Against Reopening” in The Chronicle of Higher Education and “Colleges Are Deluding Themselves”…