Posts tagged with

“donald trump”

Assessing Trump’s Higher-Ed Orders

These are bad times to be a recalcitrant Trump-hating college administrator. In his first nine-and-a-half days in office, the 47th president has signed numerous executive orders with the potential to…

The Politics of Higher-Education Accreditation

Accreditors often claim to be neutral arbiters who merely measure whether accredited universities meet their own standards. Yet a not-so-deep dive into actual accreditation standards reveals a stacked deck, whereby…

Stop Overregulating Research

The newly inaugurated second Trump administration has arrived, and among the changes that the president and his allies have proposed is large-scale simplification and elimination of government regulations. President Trump…

Higher-Ed Reform’s Coming of Age

On this we all agree: Higher education is in crisis. Rolling protests, rising tuition, and growing distrust have compelled elected officials to speak seriously about reforming our nation’s postsecondary education…

Censorship at Georgetown

Earlier this year, a graduate student in history at Georgetown named Vishnu Raghavan came upon the 2021 book Kwame Nkrumah: Visions of Liberation by Smith College history chair Jeffrey Ahlman.…

The Bell Tolls for Higher Ed

Writing four centuries ago, John Donne memorably opined, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” He…

Against Post-Election Infantilizing

After the 2016 election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, many faculty at universities canceled classes, either due to believing that they had to take time to…