A Rip Van Winkle Plan?
A higher education leader’s good intentions may already be behind the times.
Ten Steps to a Better University
The University of North Carolina must both cut costs and retain public confidence in the caliber of its education.
How Not to React to a Research Paper
Recent research at Duke deserves scholarly evaluation, not emotional denunciation.
Working on the Tenured Chain Gang
The University of North Carolina’s Governors flee from an opportunity to reform faculty workload regulations.
The Worst of Both Worlds
Thanks to federal student aid, college now costs much more, but students are learning much less.
Watch Out for FAFSA
Universities use the federal form to conduct price discrimination in the form of merit scholarships.
After College, What?
A new study shows that students who coast through college often struggle after graduating.
Trustees Won’t Do the Job
Trustees are supposed to help colleges steer their course, but many are asleep at the wheel.
Don’t Fear the Free Market
A free market in postsecondary education would serve students effectively.
Reforming College Sports
We need a “firewall” between big-time sports and university academics.